Importance of drinking water when losing weight

Water is an important element in life. We sa y that water is life. Water helps alot when losing weight, nourishing skin and general improvement of our health. You have probably heard about including water in your diet when losing weight. But do you know the importance of drinking water in weight loss journey?

1.Drinking water helps in burning more calories
Studies have shown that drinking water increases resting energy expenditure ( amount of calories burnt) in both adults and children. This in turn increases weight loss.

2. Drinking water reduces appetite
Several studies have shown that drinking water before meals reduces appetite hence preventing you from over eating.
This ensures that you do not consume alot of calories which contributes alot to weight gain.

3.Last but not least, drinking water reduces intake of sugar
Sugar being a fattening substances, reduction in it's consumption plays a great role in losing weight. This can be made possible when you replace sugary beverages with water.

Drinking water is beneficial to our bodies and our health like preventing retention of fluids in body organs, burning of calories and so on. It is important to drink alot of water daily and at all times. When losing weight, it is advisable to incorporate it with other strategies of losing weight. Check out the   benefits of water in our bodies from medical perspective  here as well.

#Good Luck


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