Why am I not losing weight already?

Losing weight is a goal which  many want to accomplish.We put effort and resources expecting to see a difference in our bodies. Sometimes we fail to see any results as far as losing weight is concerned. But why is that? The list below includes the reasons why you are barely losing any weight.

1. You are not putting much thought on your diet
Your diet is very important when you are trying to lose weight. Most of us do not think much about what we eat and how much we eat.
Having a meal plan will help alot in losing weight.It will help you know keep track of your meals.

2.You are not eating healthy whole grain
Another reason why you are not losing weight is because you are not eating whole grains. Most probably you are eating processed foods, it's not healthy when losing weight.
Refrain from eating highly processed food.

3.You are not doing exercise
Losing weight requires exercise. The reason you are not losing weight might be because you are not exercising.
some of the exercise you can do include, but not limited to; lifting weights and cardio exercise.

4.You are not having enough sleep
Having right amount of sleep is vital when losing weight.
Studies show that people with poor sleeping patterns face the risk of becoming overweight. Sleep can be an obstacle to the journey of losing weight.
Try to have enough sleep for your overall health and in keeping fit.

5.You still haven't cut down on your sugar intake
Sugar is one if the most fattening substances as far food intake is concerned.If you are still taking sugar, losing weight won't be easy.
Refrain from much sugar intake to ease your weight lose journey.

7.You are stressed
Losing weight requires you to be relaxed, in sober mind and concentration.If you are stressed with no coping mechanisms, losing weight won't be easy.
The least you can do is to find stress Management strategies that will work best for you.

6.You weight lose expectations are too high
You are probably expecting to see a difference in a day or two or a week.
Weight lose is a process that requires patience.
Set realistic expectations when losing weight and you'll see how much weight you'll lose with time

That's it for today guys😊. Thank you for stopping by.Good luck and STAY SAFE


  1. The title is so appropriate and the question of my life! The write-up was so much needed and helpful!

    1. Thank you😊.
      I'm happy you find it helpful

  2. Interesting post. It's surprising how lack of sleep is bad for so many areas of our lives.

    1. Yes...enough sleep is always important especially that we want to be productive

  3. Very helpful, good reminder about the impact of stress! Hard to avoid right now!

    1. Yeah...hard to avoid but very important to try

  4. Ugh. Me too trying to lose. Slow going but getting there. Good tips. Thanks.

    1. Slowly but surely you'll get there. No need to rush😊

  5. I think I check all of these boxes, hehehe.

  6. All I have been doing lately is eat. This post is like an inspiration to me

  7. This was so informative and helpful! Thank you for the tips!!

  8. Stress is a major reason for not losing weight. I used to not think too much about it before, but now I'm wiser.

  9. Thanks for the tips. I've struggled to lose weight since having my third baby at 43 years old. The quarantine isn't helping!

  10. Wow cool. I learned something new from your article. Thanks for the tips.

  11. I am so much guilty on many items. I'm so glad I came across your post to remind me again of what I'm doing wrong

  12. All the points are true and relatable to me. Stress is the best friend for gaining weight.

  13. I like how realistic these ideas are. It's really true, for I experienced some of these before.


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