How to lose belly fat

Belly fat, otherwise know as visceral fat is very common among individuals. When you add much weight, the body starts storing fat in some organs of your body, like the belly.

You should not be surprised that every has them, even those who don't seem to have. It is okay to have it, but too much of it can pose health risks and even physical appearance.

We all require belly fat, but in the right amount. You know why? It provides a cushioning around your body organs.

Too much of belly fat can lead to increased fat in your blood, thereby resulting to health issues such as; type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.

What then can you do to keep your belly fat at bay?

1.Make exercise your habit

Exercising helps in reduction of all your body fats including belly fat.What are some of the common yet doable exercise you can try? walking for atleast 30minutes a day in a week, jogging ,lifting weights and engaging in sporting activities.

2. Dieting
The right diet has always proven to be a great and a natural solution to almost all health problems. Eating meals that are rich fibre helps reduce build up of belly fat.

Taking meals which includes quality nutrients is a an essential step part of losing body and belly weight. You can find recommended sources of nutrients here

3. Getting the right amount of sleep
In one study, it is stated that people who slept for less or more than eight hours of sleep had more belly fat compared to those who slept for six to seven hours.

4. Stress Management
It is clear that everyone has stress. So you should not feel worn out because of your stresses. If you are looking to lose weight, how you manage stress is of importance.

You should adopt strategies that can help you cope with stress. Such strategies can be; hanging out with your family or friends, adopting hobbies and activities that make you happy, seeking counselling, reading materials that you enjoy.

These things can leave you with improved health and motivated to carry out losing weight activities.


  1. Such helpful tips. Stress management...such a good reminder now how this can be driving weight much stress right now!

  2. Thank you for this post. This quarantine has made me eat like a 🐽 but now I can finally working on reducing all that

  3. These are great tips! I need to lose that belly fat after having birth!

  4. Tassia Agatowski22 April 2020 at 00:58

    Handy tips, worth exploring in the current lockdown situtation.

  5. Awesome tips! I been trying to exercise more to tighten up the belly and also other muscles.

  6. Belly fat was never a problem for me until recently. Thank you!

  7. Great tips! I would love to try all the mentions points. I have a big belly since my teen :(

  8. Thank you for reminding me. Need to get on the habit of workout again 💪

  9. I think I just need to be more active to reduce my belly fatty! But I'm not shy about it, I'm just a happy gal :)

  10. Belly fat is definitely one of the areas people struggle with most. Being borderline diabetic, I've adopted a low-carb (almost keto) diet and that makes a huge difference also!

  11. This is what I’m working on right now! Ell x

  12. Thank you for your article. I definitely think that belly fat is the main issue for lots of people. I am quite skinny and yet I can struggle with that!

  13. arghhh -- great reminder; too easy to let the belly fat just accumulate

  14. Found it really helpful. Going to share this with some of friends. Thanks for sharing!

  15. This is really helpful. I think right diet and well balanced exercise can lose belly fats.


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