Foods to avoid during weight loss journey

If you have been trying to lose weight, you can tell it is not an easy task especially when you do not have well figured strategies to do so. In the journey of losing weight, diet is an essential part. Following the right diet makes the process easier and accomplishable. To help you with that, below I have a listed a few common things that you should avoid during weight loss journey.

This is one of the most difficult things to avoid. Most if us cannot seem to avoid sugars, but you know what? You have to make that decision if you want to lose weight and improve your health. Yo can do this by avoiding drinks and food stuffs that contain added sugar; soft drinks, fruit juices sweets and ice cream.

2.Grains that have been refined.
Grains can be a cause of weight gain, when you are in the journey of weight loss, avoid refined grains such wheat,white rice,white pasta and white bread

Make it your habit to avoid unhealthy fats and replace them with healthy ones. Avoid fats that contain too much cholesterol this will ease your journey and improve your health in general.

4.Processed food
Yes, processed can be sweet and maybe easier to prepare for consumption. But if you are looking to lose weight, avoid highly processed food.

5. Certain fruits
You should avoid fruits that contain fats,calories and sugar. During weight loss, avoid fruits such as avocado dry fruits and grapes.

These are common things that we take in daily. They are not as bad, but you have to avoid them if you want accomplish the goal of losing weight without much hassle.
Check out other things you can do to lose weight Here


  1. Great post! Good reminder that not all fruits are ideal for your diet....I tend to think "fruit = good choice." Not always so! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I was unaware that grapes should be avoided. Thanks for the tip.

    1. Glad you got something from this. Thanks😊

  3. You've confirmed my worst fears: I'm not made for weight loss, hahaha (jk)

  4. Awesome tips!

    Devin | deventuretime |

  5. I have been having an extra hard time with snacking now that I am home all the time!!

  6. These are helpful tips! Sugar and processed foods are what I struggle with getting rid off when I was trying to lose weight. Once I started to cut on them, I noticed there were significant changes. Of course, with the help of exercise!

  7. What a great list of foods that you should and eat during weight loss. I think sugars are good during the weight loss process, just in moderation.

  8. Oh ! I had no idea that even breads and avocados are not good for weight loss.I gotta stop eating bread during breakfast .

  9. Sugar is definitely my weakness. If I could let go of sugar I know I would be so much more healthy.

  10. Everything I like is on this list. UGH! JK I am trying to switch bread out for lettuce leafs and cut back on the sugar. Great post thanks for sharing!

  11. omg guilty over here. Thanks for making me aware 😅

  12. This is really interesting and helpful for those who are weighting loss stage. Thanks for these tips.

  13. I feel this very informative. Thank you for this great article. RidaAli

  14. I definitely need to save this article. Weight loss can be a struggle!

  15. Thank you for the article! Will definitely keep in mind! I think sugar is the hardest one, as it's in so many things!


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