How to lose belly fat after delivery

Are you a new mom in town? First, receive a very big CONGRATULATIONS and virtual hugs from me. I know you might be worried about getting back to your shape despite being happy with the new member. You are probably wondering how long it will take. Well, We have have your back. Do you know you can adopt home remedies to cut that belly fat after delivery?

Home remedies have proven to work especially when followed with determination. You do not have to worry about going to the gym especially now when we are all in quarantine. Take a step in losing belly fat from the comfort of your home with these simple methods.

You should wait for at least two months after delivery to take on this journey.This will give you enough time to heal and gain enough strength.

Yes. Excessive breastfeeding is beneficial to both you and the new born. Alot of calories are burnt during breastfeeding.This is because breastfeeding makes uterus to contract and shrink.

This is also an important step you can take to cut that belly fat after delivery. This mostly concerns what you include in your meals and the nutrients you take in.

Firstly,  taking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice and natural honey each and every day. You can do this early mornings before you take anything. The mixture helps in burning excess fat in your body, and especially in the belly.

For some us who can't help using sugar, why not that bold step and replace sugar with cinnamon in your tea. Cinnamon burns fat.
Eat cabbages more often.Cabbages improves your metabolism rate and help your organs digest foods easily, hence preventing accumulation of fats.
Follow a diet plan as well😊.

3.Use of belly tucker belt
Using belling wraps after delivery helps alot in tightening tummy muscles and preventing you from eating in excess. This is yet another another simple remedy that work really well.

4.Stress Management
Stress is can be a major cause of gaining weight. It is the reason why you need to find working coping mechanisms. You need to be happy for your well being and that of the baby.

If you are looking to lose belly fat after delivery, get involved in some simple exercises from the comfort of your home. These include but not limited to; yoga, leg raisings and sit ups.

If you are not new momma you can also check out on  How to lose weight and belly fat
Remember to consult your doc or gynecologist before you take on any vigorous exercise or remedy.


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