Exercises you can do from home

The world has changed over the last few days due to corona virus pandemic. We have been forced to stay home and almost everything from home. Exercising and keeping fit is one the things that has to been done from. No more going out for gyms. This no reason to pause you efforts to keep fit and keep in shape.Below are some of the simple and cheap exercises to do while at home, whether you want to lose weight or just keep fit.

When doing squats, you sit in the air in a position like you are sitting in a chair.
Your chest should look straight up ahead.
Stand up and repeat the process for as long as you can.

2.Push ups
To do push ups, you place your hands on the ground.
Hold your body straight and bend your elbows towards the body
Move your chest towards your hands and push up.
Do this repeatedly for as long as you can.

This done by placing your hands on the sides while standing
Move forward with your right foot, while bending your left knee towards the ground.
Get back to the initial position and repeat the procedure while switching sides.

4.Bird dog exercise
This is another one of simple exercises that you can do at while home. To do this workout, you will first need to position yourself like a dog.
Make sure that your hands are right beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips.
Extend your left leg behind you
Extend your arm straight towards the front
Hold your balance without bending your back
Repeat the procedure switching sides

5. Stair Climbs
Stair climbs involve climbing up and down stair case.
Start by doing slow walks up and down the the stairs then increase the  pace as you progress.
This type of exercise is most effective if you are trying to lose weight and working to improve your lower body muscles.

6 Wall Sits
This are simple workout that help strengthen and straighten your lower body and back muscles.

This exercise involves standing tall and leaning your back on a wall.
Next is to bend your knees till they are at 90 degree angle.
Stay in this position for as long as you can.

These are just six simple exercises you can try while at home. Make sure you are in good health before undertaking any vigorous exercise.Be safe.


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